Your Marketplace for Inspiration™



We're Open!

Monday - Friday  6:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday 7:00am - 12:00pm

We are thrilled to announce Jacobson is open Saturday again to customers! As we all work together to navigate this new normal, our top priority will be the safety of our customers and associates. With that in mind, here are some of the plans and safety measures that we have put into place.


At this time, the store will be open Monday-Friday from 6am to 1pm. Saturdays from 7am to 12 pm. Or customer service is available by phone Monday to Friday 6am-5pm. For your convenience, our curbside pickup and delivery service options will still be available. 
Per the Boston Health Department directive, customers are required to wear a mask/face covering at all times while inside the store. Those not wearing masks will not be permitted to shop. Our associates will also be diligently abiding by this rule.
For your safety, we have installed plexiglass at each register and at Customer Service in order to provide a proper barrier between our associates and customers. Customers will be required to bring their carriage to the end of the check stand, and an associate will ring it up from there.
To avoid any confusion, we have plenty of signage indicating where to enter & exit the store, where lines begin, and where customers can safely stand at a six-foot distance from each other when in line. There are directional arrows on the floor indicating direction to shop on some of the tighter aisles in the store i.e. balloons/bugs, tins.
Intensive cleaning will be done every day with a focus on high touch points, restrooms, carriage handles etc. The cleaners that we are using on these areas are EPA certified as Covid-19 virus killers.